Creativity planning

Every January I get out my notebook and write out my goals.  I keep most of my notebooks and flipping back through them for years upon years, it was the same thing with some slight variation:

  • lose weight
  • get published
  • improve work/life balance and take care of my family
Sooooo, let’s just take that as a given, right?  Do I even need to write that down?  Yes.  yes I do.  It’s reaffirming the direction I want to go.  But it does not help me get there.  A plan is much more useful.  How do I lose weight? What do I need to do to get published?  Setting out actions to take and scheduling to do them, daily, is the best way to get those goals.
This year I want to get out of that 3 goal rut.  I’ve been charging along with my head down for a while.  I need to create, learn and grow.  I need to nurture my inner artist, taking the time to play and enjoy life.
What I want to do in 2012 (the year of the Dragon!) Brainstorm
  • develop Jane’s Folly – blog at least weekly, if not more
  • learn about Twitter
  • revise a manuscript for publication and send it out
  • read a lot of books about creativity, writing and motivation
  • take “artist dates”
  • take classes?
  • go to conferences about writing, gaming and my profession
  • make connections with friends and other creative people
  • start drawing and painting again
  • make a zine of my friend’s work?
  • make family videos
  • collaborate on a project
  • find ways to be creative at work- kids crafts, programs, displays
  • knit, sew and craft
This may seem overwhelming, or not enough.  To me, it is both!  The next step is time management.  I’m a mom of 2 with a full time job.  When will I do this stuff?  I need to schedule it.  Write in my calendar- or  something else will take its place.  I’m currently listening to the audiobook “Time Management From the Inside Out” by Julie Morgenstern, and I recommend  it.
So, go ahead, make your list.  What creative, nurturing things will you do this year that will help you grow as a person?


  1. craig said:

    Can I listen next?

    January 9, 2012
  2. Scott said:

    This reminds me that I have to work out my goals for the year. I usally do thiis. i have some but have not wroten them down. and worked out the.. how. good idea. I think it is inportant to remember that our goals sometimes change to fit our need for the year. and that it is okay when that happens.

    February 19, 2012
  3. Wayne said:

    This was the biggest part of my life coaching business. Making goals that are truly helpful requires more steps than most people realize. Have you ever heard of the SMART goals system. Here’s a brief rundown:
    S-Specific- Make your goals as specific as possible… it’s much easier to understand the goal when it’s defined (the difference of lossing weight and I will lose 50 lbs or some other goal post)
    M-Measurable- Make sure that your goal has a component that you can chart your success against. How else will you know if you have made it?
    A-Accountability- Is there a person or other mechanism in place that you need to check in with to make sure that you are keeping up with your goals? Without that support, it’s easy to let go and walk away from the projects you want to do.
    R-Realistic- Have you set your goal at a realistic level or have you under or over estimated what you can do.
    T-Time Specific- Giving yourself a deadline or timeline insures that you won’t let something slide or start something before you can be successful at it.

    February 21, 2012

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