Organization and Planning for Creatives

I am part of a creativity group called Inspirators (by the way, friends, we need to meet again soon! Contact me!) and one of the main things we talk about is getting our act together to be more productive.  Creatives who are selling their art need to keep track of projects, clients and money.  Creatives who are making art for the enjoyment of it need to manage their free time effectively.

I’ve read a lot of books and been to lectures about being organized and productive.  I know two big things.  First, everyone has a different style that works best for them, and a lot of creative types would go nuts trying to follow a style that works perfectly for someone with a more linear, analytical mind.  Second, you can have the best system in the world, but if you don’t know what you really want to accomplish, what’s most important, you’ll drown in the sea of everyday inconsequentials and never get the big picture stuff even started.

I’ll talk about goals in another blog.  I am also checking out some productivity apps- G-queues, Reminder, Wunderlist, and RemembertheMilk.

Books I recommend about time management and organization:

My Goodreads list keeps growing, too- good thing one of the things I have decided to do is set limits on my internet time so I can read more!