Book House

So I made my first book nook! It’s a stairwell, leading to some other world inside the books.

The base of the book nook is a hard cardboard cover for a book box set, in this case a Minecraft paperback set. It is the ideal size and shape for fitting in between books! (If any of my friends have these boxes, I want more!)

The stairs are made of foam core, with cardboard treads. I painted the top of the stairwell black, and painted the stairs brown. I made a light fixture with a piece of packing foam with a hole in the middle of it to place a individual LED light. The light can be taken out and replaced easily, I purchased a packet of them in the wedding section of a craft store. I clipped out a picture from a vacation ad and made a paper frame, and glued it to the wall.

It looks pretty cool when it’s on the book shelf. I plan to sell it on Etsy, but I’m trying to decide if I should cover the outside of the box or leave it as it is. I could decoupage book pages or cover it in colored paper. You can’t really see the outside when it’s on the shelf, what do you think?