Make a basket from newspaper

Up next on our apocalyptic life skills series, weaving.

newspaper basket

Materials needed:

  • newspaper
  • gluestick
  • scissors

To make strips, cut a full page newspaper lengthwise 4 inches from the fold. Fold in each side toward the center, then fold again. I used12 strips in my basket.

(You will get ink on your hands, it washes off easily. You could use it as a teaching moment about hand washing if doing this project with kids.)

I tried to do this without using glue.  It slid around all over the place. A little dab of the glue stick made it much easier.

Put down 4 strips horizontally and 4 strips vertically, and weave together, making sure the strips are even and the join is in the center. Add dabs of glue under the weaving as you go.


Fold over the strips so that they stick up. The first strip going around is the trickiest. I believe in you. The strip should have the open part of the fold at the top. Again, use glue, and tuck the strips down as you go. When you meet where you started, tuck the end into the fold with glue.Go on to the next strip.

When you reach the height you want, tuck the strips in. To make it really sturdy, you could give it acrylic spray.