Pack like a hobbit

In fantasy and Dungeons and Dragons, there are “bags of holding” that can contain anything- you just reach in and get it. It’s been in movies and tv, from Mary Poppins to most recently in “Dead Boy Detectives”. Unfortunately, I don’t have one of those. So I am trying to pack light without forgetting essential items. I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos of people cramming things into tiny bags. The most important thing is to create a list. And then I thought of Lord of the Rings. How do Hobbits pack?

What kind of Hobbit packer are you?

Bilbo runs out the door to catch up with his group. He forgets many things, including his handkerchief. During his whole trip he has to rely on his fellow travelers for stuff.

Frodo literally packs his entire household and moves it to another house over the course of six months before finally going on his trip. He still relies on his fellow travelers (Sam) to have stuff he forgot.

Sam packs carefully and thoughtfully, bringing essentials and things his group might need. He also picks up items at destinations after he realizes he needs them (rope). He doesn’t pack light (iron pans!). He needs room for souvenirs (seeds) and sometimes has to carry other people’s stuff as well as his own.

So I should try to pack somewhere between Bilbo and Sam. I should bring things that I can’t get at my destination (my glasses, the one ring), sensible clothing, and a few comforts. If I realize there is something I want or need that I didn’t pack, I can get it at my destination. I should leave room in my bag for treasure I find on my journey.