Category: <span>Articles</span>


Meet the Robinsons, 2007 This was a cute, weird little movie. Little genius Lewis, despite being adorable, smart, blonde and blue-eyed, hasn’t been adopted in 12 years because he is…




The Disney studio struggled in the 80s. Only one movie rose above, becoming a classic with fans and merchandising and recognition. Looking back on my childhood, I think part of…


A part of creativity is being willing to fail. Instead of taking a well-worn path, you strike out into the unknown, where it’s quite possible you will get lost, fall…

Articles Creativity show

Articles textile arts


My (college-aged) daughter and I were discussing life skills, A.K.A. “adulting”. I realized that they have changed a little bit since I was starting out in the world. For example,…

Articles Gamer's Guide to Life

We are living in interesting times. I’d usually have most of my summer planned out already, filling my Saturdays with magicians, scientists and themed parties, teen gatherings one weeknight, elementary…

Articles Library Rant