Category: <span>Creativity show</span>

Making a t-shirt rug

I made a braided rug out of the t-shirt scraps left over from my t-shirt quilt project (which I haven’t finished yet).  The process is pretty simple. First, make long strips of fabric.  The strips are knotted together to make balls of ribbon.  Then you take three strips and braid them together, making a long rope.  You can either keep going or put a clothes pin at the end and start sewing the rug together, to test the length.

Creativity show textile arts

Creativity show

Figurine shelf Let me just start by saying that this didn’t work.  In the night, it came down with a crash. Do not make this. It started out with a…

Creativity show

Creativity show textile arts

I can’t show everything I’ve made yet, since I’m giving some gifts at New Years, but I thought I’d do a quick post about some of the things I made…

Creativity show

Book Spine Letter Holder (Before anyone gets upset about ruining books, this was made from a Reader’s Digest condensed book, by definition not a first edition, rejected by most book…

Creativity show

Creativity show visual arts

So now I’ve given out my gifts I can show off some of my creations.  I forgot to take a picture of the bird I made, and I wasn’t happy…

Creativity show

Starting a Creativity Support Group In Felicia Day’s memoir, “You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Mostly)” she talks about joining a creativity support group.  She kept coming to the meetings with…

Creativity show

I made my son a Mario costume for Halloween.  It was both easy to make and comfortable for him, which is great.  It consists of a red, long-sleeved shirt and…

Creativity show textile arts