Category: <span>textile arts</span>

textile arts

textile arts

Sewing T-Shirt Quilt Project I  love t-shirts.  They are wearable momentos , silent announcements of your personality and a way to share what you love.  They are also damn comfortable.…

textile arts

I made my son a Mario costume for Halloween.  It was both easy to make and comfortable for him, which is great.  It consists of a red, long-sleeved shirt and…

Creativity show textile arts

Working on the Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds costume for my daughter.  I made the helmet out of sheets of felt and some old plastic sunglass lenses.

Creativity show textile arts

One tried and true marketing technique for promotion is having a mascot.  Tony the Tiger, the Philly Phanatic, Ronald McDonald, and so on.  Libraries…. put their own spin on it.…

Library programs textile arts

Here’s a bluebird I made from the book Big Little Felt Fun by Jeanette Lim. I’m really getting into sewing with felt.  I think I’ll start making some of my own…

textile arts

Sock Monkey Hat Last year while participating in GISHWHES (the greatest internet scavenger hunt the world has ever known) it was pointed out to me that I lacked a basic…

Creativity show textile arts

Gevlocten Bal- Braided Ball The pattern is on Ravelry. This is a great “on-the-road” pattern, or a way to get rid of leftover yarn.  I used the basic worsted weight…

textile arts

  I made two sets of baby booties for two different babies.  It is a perfect illustration of why gauge is important.  When you are following knitting patterns, the yarn…

textile arts