Category: <span>Gamer’s Guide to Life</span>

February’s craft to try out is crochet. I am an experienced knitter but have never even tried to crochet before. I overconfidently picked up a crochet kit and looked at…

Creativity show Gamer's Guide to Life textile arts

Creativity show Gamer's Guide to Life textile arts

Creativity show Gamer's Guide to Life textile arts

Creativity show Gamer's Guide to Life textile arts

For January, I’m trying out needle felting. I’ve worked with sewing pre-made felt for years, but have been intimidated to try the art of needle felting. What it is: creating…

Creativity show Gamer's Guide to Life textile arts

I’ve explored many crafts over the years. This year I am going to try a craft each month and report back on it. I know I want to start with…

Creativity show Gamer's Guide to Life

Gamer's Guide to Life textile arts

Day one: my friend drove me to the airport. My flight to Baltimore was delayed to the point where I would miss my connecting flight. So I had to rebook…

Gamer's Guide to Life Geek Travel

Gamer's Guide to Life Geek Travel

In fantasy and Dungeons and Dragons, there are “bags of holding” that can contain anything- you just reach in and get it. It’s been in movies and tv, from Mary…

Gamer's Guide to Life Geek Travel