Jane's Folly Posts

Embroidery and Redwork artistry I sat down with Tisha Dolton, also known as Aprilsongstress, about her art of choice, embroidery.  She does redwork, portraits, and recently did Doctors from Doctor…

textile arts

I switched from having my books individually uploaded to different sites to using Smashwords, an ebook distributor that translates my files into multiple formats.  You can download a 10% sample…



Why write a novel? National Novel Writing Month starts today.  This is where crazy people from all around the world write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  There’s something…


Book of Librarian Crafts I’m starting a new project, with the working title of “Librarian Crafts.” My idea is to have sections with different categories: pre-school story-time crafts school age crafts…


I made a hood out of a black t-shirt for my evil queen costume.  I used a hoodie to estimate the curve, cutting out two  pieces.  The bottom of the…

textile arts

The process and not the product You worked really hard on something and it bombed. no one likes the dinner you made (including yourself) you sewed an outfit and it…


Gamer's Guide to Life

Dragoncon (Get off my lawn!) This year I brought my whole family to Dragoncon.  There were over 62,000 people there, and it showed.  What happens is each year, everyone who…

Gamer's Guide to Life

I made a pikachu costume for my son.  I used a hoodie pattern as the base, and added ears tipped with brown cloth. The hood is lined, but I left…

Creativity show textile arts