Jane's Folly Posts

“Life moves pretty fast.  You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Beuler Solstice candle tradition It sometimes takes losing something to…


I’ve participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for many years, and this year my daughter is joining in with the young writers program.  Classrooms and individuals can sign up…


Fun Sci-fi party ideas My friends put together a fun Sci-fi themed Halloween party.  (Thanks for letting me share the ideas!)  They put a lot of work and creativity into…

Gamer's Guide to Life

Home-made skeleton costume Materials: glow-in-the-dark fabric paint (optional) black thermal underwear your child’s size sheets of white felt- (I used 5) needle and thread, pins For mask- white flannel, a…

Creativity show textile arts

NY Comic Con Vs. Dragoncon I attended NY Comic Con this Friday and Saturday.  I had a great time and I recommend going if you have the means.  That being…

Gamer's Guide to Life

I knitted these wristlets using a free Lion brand pattern.   I also made a skirt for my daughter’s costume.   To make this skirt, I folded over a 45…

Creativity show

A few years ago I didn’t know what meta meant.  Meta means going beyond or above, an abstraction from another concept, but how it is used as a cultural reference…

visual arts

Supercalifragilisticscienceficconvention Dragoncon was amazing!  You could go there and just people watch for hours.  They have something for everyone, spread out to four hotels and a convention hall building.  They…


I apologize for not posting lately- I’ve been obsessively watching Supernatural (yes, the show I dissed on my last post) until I watched all 8 seasons.  I do not refute…


My blog was intended to become a writer’s platform, my little corner of the internet where my fans come to read about what’s going on in my life, my creative…
