Jane's Folly Posts

Dream Big, Read story-time- owls Quick story-time craft for preschoolers.  Cutting out the parts for the owl is a good project for a young volunteer. We read: I’m not Cute!…

Library programs

Star Wars Day As part of “Dream Big, Read!” we had Star Wars day at the Library this Saturday. I made it an open event, where kids could stop in…

Creativity show Library programs

City Scene Craft For this week’s library craft, I brought in boxes I’d been saving for a while, then gave the kids a list of ideas- make a castle, make…

Library programs

First story time for the theme of Dream Big, Read! Preschool bed craft: Materials Cardboard box- the perfect sized one was for individual coffee packets, but any rectangle will work.…

Creativity show Library programs

After a year of cake lessons (she is now a licensed Wilton teacher), my friend Divarat completed the superhero wedding cake for our friends wedding! The two bottom layers are…


Summer is coming. No, this isn’t some weird reference to Game of Thrones.  If you run a one-librarian library and have a summer reading program, that sentence can fill you…


“Sometimes you can’t make it on your own.”-  U2 Help me Many books have a lengthy acknowledgement page.  The author thanks his agent, his first readers, his spouse and people…


Setting Goals, Marking Deadlines and Re-evaluating I set a goal for myself to finish a rewrite of my novel-in-progress by next Saturday, so that I could have it off my…


Review of The Nerdist Way by Chris Hardwick When I first started reading Chris’s self-help book for nerds, I thought, “no! he’s stolen my idea for the Gamer’s Guide for Real…

Articles Reviews

Book Review of The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler The premise of this YA book caught my attention.  In 1996, a high school student uses an America…
