Jane's Folly Posts

Gamer's Guide to Life

I’m watching my way through Disney animated feature films, and I have reached the 50’s. Cinderella got its own post. Alice in Wonderland, 1951. I grew up reading Alice in…

Gamer's Guide to Life

Cinderella came out in 1950, the second “princess” in the Disney line up. As a child, I didn’t think about its creation or influences, it just was there. Watching it…

Gamer's Guide to Life

I am going to Disney World next year, and while reading through travel books and blogs I got the suggestion that families should watch all the classics that inspired the…

Gamer's Guide to Life

I think I my daughter’s mind, this is THE zoo. On a cloudy day in August, we drove down the Taconic parkway into the Bronx. We had purchased our tickets…

Geek Travel

I think I am one of the few who grew up in the 80’s and didn’t make Shrinky Dinks at least once. Probably because my mum doesn’t like the smell…

Creativity show

I like to do quest-based travel, it takes us to places we might otherwise overlook. We have been doing quests for folly towers and space shuttles. I thought about chasing…

Next year I plan to go to Disneyworld, as it is a significant year for our family. For my birthday, I decided to have a Disney day at home. I…

Gamer's Guide to Life Geek Travel

A part of creativity is being willing to fail. Instead of taking a well-worn path, you strike out into the unknown, where it’s quite possible you will get lost, fall…

Articles Creativity show

I created costumed bunnies to sell on Etsy. I started with the Whte Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, wearing a yellow waistcoat and a worried expression. I followed up with…

Creativity show textile arts