Tag: <span>writing</span>

If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster. Isaac Asimov  In looking for role models  for my life,…


Writing Hurdles “For writers, a block is not a block is not a block.  Blocks come in all shapes and sizes.” – Rachel Ballon. I’m reading the “Writer’s Portable Therapist”…


Writer’s Resources One of the first things the members of my writer’s group, Carpe Libris, did when I joined was make sure I had the right tools for selling my…


Getting your act together Your crafting or writing time is precious.  It helps to be organized so that you’re not wasting that time looking for patterns, figuring out what the…


Writing a pitch, tagline or back cover blurb “In a world..”  I bet you can hear the announcer’s voice, describing the latest movie coming out.  It answers the question, “what’s…


Adventures If you are stuck in a rut, the best thing to do is take a step sideways.  If you are sitting staring at a blank page and nothing seems…


If you want the right answers, ask the right questions. My husband and I have this great routine where he questions why I did some thoughtless, lazy or ridiculous thing,…



<whine> Rewriting is haaaaarrrd! </end whine>

For me, rewriting is the hardest part of the writing process.  This is why I have so many first drafts and very few finished products! When I’m writing,  I’m  not judging or worrying about being published, especially when I’m doing the NaNoWriMo challenge.  It’s all about creating and letting my imagination loose.  Rewriting, on the other hand, is about looking over what I’ve created and trying to make it publishable.  I am finding a lot of resistance to the process, I think my subconscious thinks that if I never finish, I will never be rejected.  I’m fighting low self esteem, fear of failure, despair, frustration and self-sabotage.  No wonder I keep finding myself procrastinating and distracted during my writing time!


Ok, you are writing along and then… then what?  You need ideas.  Inspiration.  What happens next? Waiting for inspiration to strike is like hoping the empty carton of milk in…
